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The Archdiocese is in the process of seeking permission from Rome to change the patronal feast of the Archdiocese from the Feast of the Assumption (August 15) to the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary (December 8).  This change is recommended because August 15 is a special day for the Acadians and they are involved in other festivities.  As well December 8 is the date of the establishment of the new merged Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth.  The clergy have agreed with this change and this announcement is a way to consult all parishioners to see if you have any comments on this change.  Please respond to Pauline (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) by Monday, May 15.

As we prepare to welcome Pope Francis to Canada, we invite Catholics from across the country to participate in this historic journey in a number of different ways. In addition to television coverage of papal events, visit or to access more than 10 livestream links of coverage featuring interpretation in many languages (including Indigenous languages), as well as livestream links from Vatican TV including commentary.

Archbishop Ivan Jurkovič, the Apostolic Nuncio (papal ambassador) to Canada, will be coming to Halifax to bestow the Pallium on Archbishop Dunn on Tuesday, May 31, 2022.  A Ceremony of Bestowal will take place during a special Mass that day at 3:00pm at Saint Mary’s Cathedral Basilica. Archbishop Dunn invites all to join him for this celebration.

Please save the date and spread the word!