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Campus Evangelization

Holy Cross Chaplaincy, commissioned by the Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth, is dedicated to caring for the needs of Catholic young adults in our community. We are actively engaged with three local universities, providing hospitality, spiritual care, and sacraments on campus.

Hey university students!  How are your classes going? Do you need a friend, and maybe a prayer,  as the realities of school, work, and life come at you? Why not check out Holy Cross Chaplaincy (HCC) on campus?

If you are, or know of, a university student why not check out Holy Cross Chaplaincy (HCC) on campus this fall.

Holy Cross Chaplaincy: Faith on Campus

Are you, or someone you know going to university in September?

Post secondary education can be an isolating and intimidating experience for Catholic young people. Holy Cross Chaplaincy, an office of the Archdiocese, is a Catholic community for young adults with both an on campus and off campus presence. If you, or a young person you know, will be attending university this fall consider getting involved with Holy Cross Chaplaincy. Visit or visit one of the on-campus chaplaincy centres:

  • SMU - Loyola Room 183, across from the Tim Hortons in Loyola Academic
  • Dal - Rooms 1210A & 1210B in the International Centre on 1246 Lemarchant Street