Event Manager
Once Registered:
If already registered, Login on the right (Event Manger Login) and submit your parish related event.
(Need to registered click here)
By adding your parish related event to the listing, each week a link is sent out with our Halifax-Yarmouth News Service (HYNS) emails for all to see the events of the Archdiocese! An event only needs to be submitted once. We encourage you to list as many of your parish related events as you wish! Once your parish related event is submitted, it is subject to approval and stays on our website until the day of the event.
Together let’s share all the good things happening in all corners of the Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth!
If you have questions or concerns please contact the Communications Team at:
Your Communications Team,
Aurea Sadi (902) 429-9800 ext.310
Christine Salterio (902) 429-9800 ext.324
Event Manager Login
Parish Events