Archbishop Emeritus Mancini's Letters to the Faithful

On May 8, 2021 the Atlantic School of Theology (AST) will hold convocation at 11:00am. As part of this event they will honour Archbishop Emeritus Anthony Mancini and make him an Associate of AST.
Canon law states that all bishops must submit their resignation on their 75th birthday. Archbishop Mancini will reach this milestone birthday on November 27. In thanksgiving for his leadership and faithful ministry for over 13 years, the Archdiocese will host two gatherings next week.
After 13 years as our Chief Shepherd, Archbishop Anthony Mancini will retire at the end of November. Canon law states that all bishops must submits their resignation on their 75th birthday. To mark this milestone for Archbishop Mancini and the faithful of our diocese there will be several celebrations. We invite you to mark your calendars now!
Pentecost Pastoral Letter - 2020

“Pentecost has always been for me the celebration of the future and what the Church looks forward to accomplish in faith. The first descent of the Holy Spirit was Christ’s gift and entry which, not only gave birth to the Church, but which drove the Church to face new circumstances and creatively address them.”
These words open Archbishop Mancini’s 2020 Pentecost Letter to the faithful of the Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth. The expresses the hopefulness of what a new Pentecost can stir in the hearts of Christ’s followers in the world that we now face. The full letter is on the diocese website, click here.
The full text of the letter is also found in the current issue of our diocesan journal, Discipleship , which was sent to subscribers yesterday afternoon.