Communications Editors Priority News
Parish Bulletin Editors: To aid the distribution of important statements and announcements parishes are
expected to publish news service items marked as PRIORTY in their parish based bulletin.
On November 26 Nova Scotians will go to the polls. As a Catholic, how will you vote? The organization Catholic Conscience has provided a resource for Catholic Nova Scotians as they prepare to vote. The document Voting Like a Catholic is available in French (pdf) & English (pdf) and offers some guidelines that help people of faith make an informed choice as they chose the candidate that will get their vote.
Were you one of the 700 people that joined Archbishop Dunn for the Eucharistic Congress last month? Or maybe you were part of the 1000 that walked the Eucharistic Procession through the streets of Halifax? This important event made an impact on so many peoples’ understanding of the Eucharist and the power the Eucharist through us has to heal the world. So we want to continue to help people understand the Eucharist as the source and summit of our Catholic faith - especially as we prepare for the Jubilee Year 2025!
The purpose of the Christian life is to know God as revealed in Jesus Christ, have faith in Him, and imitate Him in all that we do. (Mt. 22:37) This includes loving others by keeping the commandments such as “You shall not murder”. (Ex. 20:13, Mt. 19:18)