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Ministry of Care and Companionship: Resources

Contact info for information and materials to meet the great many needs, interests and circumstances.

Ministry of Care and Companionship Resources

Rediscovering the Art of Dying by Sister Nuala Kenny

Art of Dying cover

Drawing on the passion of Christ, Sr. Nuala Kenny reflects on the inevitable questions we all face regarding health, illness, suffering, and dying. She provides a profound spiritual and biblical reflection by linking Jesus’ own experience of suffering and death with real-life stories about patients in today’s world.

This book is for anyone undergoing or reflecting on illness, suffering, and dying. It is also for families and friends who accompany the sick, dependent, and dying, and for caregivers who accompany them. It is sure to guide attitudes, practical decisions, and actions that are central concerns in serious illness and dying, while clearing up misunderstandings that often accompany periods of stress.

Rediscovering the Art of Dying - How Jesus’ Experience and Our Stories Reveal a New Vision of Compassionate Care is publishes by Novalis and is available locally at Veritas. Pre-order for September 1 by calling Veritas (902) 429-7216 or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



Still Unhealed by Sister Nuala Kenny with David Deane

Art of Dying cover

An essential reminder that the sex abuse crisis is not just a clerical crisis, but an ecclesial crisis...not just a legal crisis, but also a spiritual crisis that requires conversion and reform. Recommended for all Catholics who want an authoritative guide to a multi-disciplinary approach to the Catholic abuse crisis. Dr. Massimo Faggioli, Professor of Historical Theology, Villanova University

How do people of faith respond to the abuse crisis? How do we move toward true healing? Few people are more qualified to answer these questions with clarity and insight than doctor, scholar, and religious sister Nuala Kenny. Backed by her thirty-years experience with this issue, she uses her physician s eye to examine the pathology of the crisis, helping us discover the underlying structures, history, beliefs, and cultural factors as well as the powerful roles of secrecy, denial, and cover-up. With compassion and care, she describes the suffering experienced by victims, diagnoses the sickness afflicting the body of Christ, and offers a prescription for treatment that includes active cooperation between laity and clergy, meaningful reform, and lifelong conversion. This informed, accessible and unique perspective can help the Church prayerfully discern the way forward.




Samples of prayers for specific moments, as well as contact info for a great variety of resources.

Services & Outreach

Descriptions and contact information for the services that are available throughout the archdiocese.


Contact info for information and materials to meet the great many needs, interests and circumstances.