Last week the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) released a message for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. The Canadian Bishops invite all the faithful across Canada to join with the Christian brothers and sisters…” to pray for the unity of all the baptized; to meditate together on Sacred Scripture; to participate in jointly0organzied worship services; and to undertake together acts of charity and fellowship. “
To read the full message click here or visit the
In the Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth there are a number of local ecumenical prayer services planned. You will find a schedule of these events by clicking here
Prayer for Peace
Liturgy Contacts
Very Rev. Craig Cameron
Rector, Saint Mary's Cathedral Basilica, Director of Vocations & Liturgy, University Chaplain
(902) 429-9800
Fr. Patrick Salah
Administrator, Assistant Director of Liturgy & MC
Fr. James Richards
Retired, Consultant for Liturgical Ministry