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Ministry of Care and Companionship

Ministry of Care and Companionship Resources

Dying with Christ, Living with Hope

Dying with Christ, Living with Hope


Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) is an umbrella term that refers to both euthanasia (a lethal injection) and assisted suicide (a lethal drug) that are prescribed to a patient for the purpose of ending life. A 2020 Church document called the procedure “intrinsically evil”. Many Catholics are confused about this. For the next fourteen weeks we will be providing readers with some basic facts designed to explain why the Catholic Church insists that MAiD is contrary to the teaching of Jesus Christ, and the hope we have when we unite our death and dying to Christ.

This week the Canadian Conference of Bishops (CCCB) released a video titled “Unlocking Hope: Highlights from the International Interfaith Symposium on Palliative Care.” This video demonstrates the profound discussions and shared aspirations that emerged from the recent symposium organized by the CCCB and the Pontifical Academy for Life (PAV), along with other key partners.

The Christian Medical and Dental Association Canada (CMDA) is inviting people to join them for a vital discussion on MAiD in Canada with Deacon Larry Worthen Executive Director of CMDA Canada. The concept of MAiD, whether new to you or not, is a growing part of healthcare that deserves more attention from the faith community. Learn how policies in Nova Scotia may affect you, your loved ones, physicians in NS, and the overall healthcare system. We’ll take a look at this important subject from the Christian perspective, with history, insights and testimonials on the increasing impact of MAiD. Find out which provinces have the most restrictive policies and why change is needed to advocate for dignity affirming healthcare.


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