Ministry of Care and Companionship
Dying with Christ, Living with Hope
If I Choose MAiD Can I Still Have a Catholic Funeral?

The decision to die by euthanasia is contrary to the mission of Jesus Christ who came “that they might have life”. (Jn.10:10) While our culture would have us believe that euthanasia is a loving act that ends suffering, it is not what God wills for them. The world will be a much more impoverished place without their presence. We all grow in charity through our care for the most vulnerable.
For more information and reflections on MAiD and its impact CLICK HERE

If someone wants to die by euthanasia, how can we respond to help them choose life? First, we need to listen. Careful listening will help them feel safe to share their innermost thoughts about what led them to this conclusion. We need to help them vocalize their suffering. This requires vulnerability and great trust. Once they are honest about their true feelings, they may be willing to undertake some brainstorming about other ways to deal with the feelings that are at the root of their decision. A commitment to accompany the person through whatever they face can give them the courage to live through their dying process.

The Christian Medical and Dental Association – Canada (CMDA) will host another series of it’s Dying with Christ, Living with Hope sessions this winter. The two options for the sessions are: