Ministry of Care and Companionship
Dying with Christ, Living with Hope
An upcoming webinar titled: Medical Assistance in Dying in Canada Health Care Perspectives is being broadcast on September 21, 2017 from 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm ET.
This 90 minute webinar provides an excellent opportunity to learn more about these important matters:
- What Does Medical Assistance in Dying (AKA Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide) look like in Canada?
- What does it mean for the Catholic Health Care community?
In her new book, Rediscovering the Art of Dying: How Jesus’ experience and our stories reveal a new vision of compassionate care, Sr. Nuala Kenny reflects on the inevitable questions we all face regarding health, illness, suffering, and dying. She provides a profound spiritual and biblical reflection by linking the Passion of Christ, Jesus’s own experience of suffering and death, with real-life stories about patients.
A new webpage with resources from the Archdiocesan Ministry of Care and Companionship Committee to support the care of the sick and suffering in our parishes and regions is now available. You will find this page on the Archdiocesan website here:
Samples of prayers for specific moments, as well as contact info for a great variety of resources.
Services & Outreach
Descriptions and contact information for the services that are available throughout the archdiocese.
Contact info for information and materials to meet the great many needs, interests and circumstances.