Dying with Christ, Living with Hope

Bill C-14, which will amend the criminal code to allow euthanasia and assisted suicide, has been passed by the House of Commons and is now before the Senate. Healthcare workers and institutions are concerned that they may be required to participate in euthanasia and assisted suicide against their moral convictions.
The Senate is considering an amendment to protect the conscience rights of healthcare workers and institutions. We have a short window of time in which to encourage decision makers to support amendments to Bill C-14 that would protect the conscience rights of healthcare workers and institutions who cannot participate in euthanasia and assisted death as it is contrary to their moral convictions.
You can contact the Senate directly by using the Coalition for HealthCARE and Conscience’s website. Let decision makers know you support conscience rights.
Last week, Archbishop Mancini released a letter to the faithful in response to the PAD as well as provided a brief Q&A document. Both are available on the archdiocesan website by clicking here. Please note the Q&A document has been slightly revised.
Further resources can be found through the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops site: www.cccb.ca