At end of February and continuing for six consecutive weeks, In Solidarity with Ukraine, a documentary produced by the Knight of Columbus will air on ABC affiliates across the United States through a partnership with the Interfaith Broadcasting Commission. A description of the of the documentary reads:
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on February 24th, 2022, was a shock to the world. Through this war we are witnessing the reality of evil. But we’re also seeing something else. As tanks tore through Ukraine to kill, concerned citizens and the Knights of Columbus arrived with relief supplies to sustain life. As refugees fled, volunteers stood at the border to provide critical care and housing. As bombs dropped from the sky, people of faith sent their prayers to the heavens. In Solidarity with Ukraine, an inspiring new film from the Knights of Columbus, see a vivid example of what it means to be a Christian disciple in the midst of war, and how the light of the Gospel continues to shine in the darkness.
You can read more about the documentary by clicking here.
For more information of the efforts of the Knights of Columbus in Ukraine and the broadcast schedule for the documentary click here.