As part of your Lenten journey, Development & Peace Caritas Canada invites people to join the Turn Debt into Hope campaign - a call to cancel debt to create hope.
In a letter to the faithful, Archbishop Dunn encourages parishioners to learn more about the Turn Debt into Hope initiative and incorporate it into their Lent. As a specific action he encourages people to contribute as they are able to this year’s Share Lent campaign on the Fifth Sunday of Lent (April 6) also known as Solidarity Sunday. You can read his letter by clicking here.
In this Jubilee Year, Pope Francis reminds us that “hope should be granted to the billions of the poor who often lack the essentials of life” and that “the goods of the Earth are not destined for a privileged few but for everyone.” (Spes Non Confundit, 15-16)
Inspired by this call to justice, D&P is joining Caritas Internationalis’ campaign Turn Debt into Hope along with many other faith-based and civil society organizations.
Along with these organizations D&P will urge decision-makers to make people and planet the priority over mere profit and demand debt justice for communities crushed by unjust and unpayable debts.