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Coastal Protection Act Rally

Rising sea levels due to climate warming are affecting Nova Scotians as well as our sisters and brothers around the world. We read in Laudato Si' that one quarter of our world's population live on or near the coast. Pope Francis has called on all people to protect God's gifts of Creation and this includes protecting our coasts from a path of development that contributes to further destroying coastal ecosystems, communities, and livelihoods. As the Pope has stated, humanity needs to unite “to protect and restore marine, coastal, and river ecosystems.”

Join in solidarity with members of Development and Peace - Caritas Canada in a Coastal Protection Act Rally (sponsored by the Ecology Action Centre, Nature NS, and the Coastal Protection Coalition) to be held on May 8 12-2 p.m. at the NS Legislature (1726 Hollis St. Kjipuktuk/Halifax). We will be carrying a Development and Peace banner. Rain date is May 9th.