“For you always have the poor with you...” Matt 26.11
We heard Jesus express this to his Apostles in Matt’s gospel only a few weeks ago. The phrase is as true for us today, as it was then. We know everywhere around us there are many who go without or have to make difficult choices about what basic necessities they can afford. Living through a global pandemic has only highlighted the needs of those who are vulnerable. If the poor are always with us, then as followers of Christ today we must always seek ways to help those in need. When Archbishop Dunn moved to Halifax, he was struck by the number of poor and vulnerable he came across as he walked down the street. Moved by this new-to-him experience he reflected on what he could do, and what we as a people faith could do.
As a result, Archbishop Dunn has designated homelessness as one of our four pastoral priorities this year. Of this priority he has said:
“While many are without homes in Nova Scotia, many more are presented with the impossible choice of whether they spend what little they have on shelter or food. I realize that many of our Parishes have ministries dedicated to these and other social issues, e.g., food banks, various kinds of outreach, etc. This can provide a variety of opportunities where we can collaborate with our brothers and sisters of other Christian denominations. Our new Parishes have many properties, some of them surplus, and I ask Parish leadership to consider whether some existing resources can be diverted for the service of the homeless in some way. ”
- From Archbishop Dunn’s January 28, 2021 pastoral letter
Archbishop Dunn is asking the faithful to reflect on the good we currently do and think creatively about how we and do even more by pooling togethering resources and developing partnerships with those around us. We can do something about homelessness and home security – together.
To read the full text of Archbishop Dunn’s Pastoral Letter contain our four pastoral priorities click here.
Pastoral Life & New Evangelization Contacts
John Stevens Pastoral Life & New Evangelization Manager (902) 429-9800 ext. 331 |
Chris O'Hara Project Coordinator Faith Formation (902) 429-9800 ext. 322 |
Christine Salterio Communications Assistant (902) 429-9800 ext. 324 |
Aurea Sadi Project Coordinator and Communications (902) 429-9800 ext. 310 |
Wanda Comeau Coordinatrice de la Catéchèse Secteur francophone Religious Education Coordinator (French) (902) 769-3844 |
Emergency Shelters Project
For more information and
to donate to
Emergency Shelters Project
Pastoral Priorites 2021
Archbishop Dunn designated four pastoral priorities:
Parish Identity, Homelessness, Evangelization, and Catechesis.
Click here
to know more about these priorities.