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Dying with Christ, Living with Hope

Dying with Christ, Living with Hope


New Book! Rediscovering The Art of Dying by Sr. Nuala Kenny

In her new book, Rediscovering the Art of Dying: How Jesus’ experience and our stories reveal a new vision of compassionate care, Sr. Nuala Kenny reflects on the inevitable questions we all face regarding health, illness, suffering, and dying. She provides a profound spiritual and biblical reflection by linking the Passion of Christ, Jesus’s own experience of suffering and death, with real-life stories about patients.

This book is for anyone undergoing or reflecting on illness, suffering, and dying. It is also for families and friends who accompany the sick, dependent and dying, and for caregivers who accompany them. It is sure to guide attitudes, practical decisions, and actions that are central concerns in serious illness and dying, while clearing up misunderstandings that often accompany periods of stress.

The book can be ordered through Novalis Publishing by clicking here.


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