Dying with Christ, Living with Hope
Dr. Nuala Kenny, SC , recently co-wrote a reflection on lessons learned by physicians during the global pandemic. Written along with four other physicians from across Canada, Sr. Nuala and her colleagues offer thoughts the challenges to heir ministry as Catholic doctors during these unprecedented times. In the introduction they write:
“Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom, and curing every disease and sickness.” (Matt 9:35)
This reflection from Catholic doctors in Canada is written in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. Clarifying physician duty in medical scarcity became an urgent issue with the apparent lack of both transparency and adequate consultation in certain jurisdictions in Canada 2 as reported by the media. However, it also has much broader and deeper ramifications for medicine and society. As practitioners, we are well aware that personal and communal health crises present profound challenges to beliefs and values. Global crises, such as pandemics, raise these challenges for all of humanity. Our faith calls us to prayerful discernment and prophetic action which can inform public policy.
The full text of this article can be found by clicking here or going to the Resources box on the COVID-19 page of the diocesan website.
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