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Ministry of Care and Companionship Resources

Dying with Christ, Living with Hope

Dying with Christ, Living with Hope


Dying in a Death Defying World

Sr. Nuala Kenny will be giving the opening keynote address at the first ever Hayes Symposium hosted by the Atlantic School of Theology. This keynote address is open to the public and will be held, Monday, May 9, at McNally Theatre Auditorium on the Saint Mary’s University Campus.

The Hayes Symposium is a learning opportunity for the ongoing professional development of health care providers, spiritual care practitioners, and those interested in broadening their understanding of dying, death and bereavement in our changing world. The scope and magnitude of present changes in health care is unparalleled, particularly in relation to our aging population. Featured keynote speakers include: Dr. Nuala Kenny, Dr. Beverly Musgrave, and Susan Chisholm.

The annual Hayes Symposium honours Archbishop Emeritus James M. Hayes, and his many accomplishments and dedication to the pastoral care of the faithful. For more information and to register for the full symposium click here.


Samples of prayers for specific moments, as well as contact info for a great variety of resources.

Services & Outreach

Descriptions and contact information for the services that are available throughout the archdiocese.


Contact info for information and materials to meet the great many needs, interests and circumstances.