Dying with Christ, Living with Hope
Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of
these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.
Matthew 25:40
New legislation is coming and disability advocates are fearful. The federal government has tabled legislation to expand access to euthanasia to people who are not about to die, including people with disabilities. A 2019 government report said that people choose euthanasia because of fear of being a burden, loneliness, lack of support, or loss of dignity and meaning. People with disabilities face these issues daily. As a society, we have a responsibility to support the vulnerable, not allow them to be permanently silenced.
The Coalition for HealthCARE and Conscience encourages Canadians to write to their MP. Let them know you don't want access to euthanasia expanded to include vulnerable people who are not at the end of their lives. It could be someone in your family next or it could be you. To send an email, visit:
English: www.canadiansforconscience.ca/federal_government
French: www.coalitionsanteconscience.ca/gouvernement_federal
The Coalition for HealthCARE and Conscience is an association of 10 organizations, of which 6 are Catholic. Many of you may know that our own Deacon Larry Worthen has been very active in this bring light to this issue. He and associates have put together two short YouTube videos on this relevant and important issue. The links to both English and French versions are here:
English: youtu.be/bECmV6OEDTo
French: youtu.be/MNhs5xcA5tQ
Deacon Larry is open and happy to receive comments or answer questions at the following email address:
Samples of prayers for specific moments, as well as contact info for a great variety of resources.
Services & Outreach
Descriptions and contact information for the services that are available throughout the archdiocese.
Contact info for information and materials to meet the great many needs, interests and circumstances.