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Ministry of Care and Companionship

Dying with Christ, Living with Hope

Dying with Christ, Living with Hope


Late last week the Canadian Bishops released a statement regarding the non-permissibility of MAiD in health organization with a Catholic identity.  In part the statement reads:

There is ever-growing concern for how euthanasia, or medical assistance in dying (MAiD), is evolving across Canada. As Catholics how do we respond?  Archbishop Dunn encourages the faithful to educate themselves on the issue and our Catholic teaching on the dignity of life.  Last week Archbishop Dunn released a letter to the faithful that expressed his concern about MAiD and offers some resources. You can read the full letter here or pdf.

Many people are concerned with the ever expanding medical assistance in dying  (MAiD) criteria and the numerous recent news reports about people who have chosen MAiD because alternatives were not available. Vulnerable people are choosing MAiD because of poverty, lack of proper housing, unavailability of palliative care, and the insufficiency of programs and supports for persons with disabilities and chronic conditions. This time next year, when legislation is expected to take effect, we will undoubtedly see people with mental health concerns choosing MAiD because of lack of proper mental health services and supports. 


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