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You’re invited to our Eucharistic Congress!

Upon returning from a meeting of International Eucharistic Congress delegates in Ecuador in September 2023 International Eucharistic Gathering in Sept2024(see picture), Archbishop Dunn was inspired to host a local Eucharistic Congress in the Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth. There has been a practice in our diocese to host an annual Assembly of the People of God; a time to gather a diocesan family to pray, reflect, learn, and celebrate the goodness of God being witnessed across our local Church. For 2024, that the annual diocesan gathering will be a Eucharistic Congress. The focus of this gathering will be on creating an opportunity for the spiritual renewal of the people and parishes of the Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth…and beyond.

Archbishop Dunn would be delighted for you to join him from October 17-20 for our first Eucharistic Congress in the Archdioceses of Halifax-Yarmouth!

RESTORE your relationship with God this October!

How is your relationship with God? Like any relationship it requires work!  The best part is that Jesus did a lot of the hard work for us.  He was born, crucified, and rose again to restore our relationship with God. There are good days and bad days in our faith journey but every time we take part in the Eucharist it restores our relationship with God.

Join Archbishop Dunn and hundreds of your brothers and sisters in the faith at our first ever Eucharistic Congress to learn more about how the gift of the Eucharist can restore our most important relationship, our relationship with God.

Come to the Eucharistic Congress!
When: October 17-20, 2024
Where: Saint Agnes Church, Mumford Rd. Halifax (main venue)
Registration: Cost: $25.00

For more detailed information and to register visit
Registration deadline: October 9, 2024

Congress Registration

click here to
Register NOW!

Congress Parish Resources

Eucharistic Congress 2024

Click here (pdf)
for Logo explaination

Congress Contact

Aurea Sadi 
Project Coordinator
and Communications
(902) 429-9800 ext. 310
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Sarah Morrison
Pastoral Services & Responsible Ministry Assistant (PSRA)
(902) 429-9800 ext. 403
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