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You’re invited to our Eucharistic Congress!

Upon returning from a meeting of International Eucharistic Congress delegates in Ecuador in September 2023 International Eucharistic Gathering in Sept2024(see picture), Archbishop Dunn was inspired to host a local Eucharistic Congress in the Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth. There has been a practice in our diocese to host an annual Assembly of the People of God; a time to gather a diocesan family to pray, reflect, learn, and celebrate the goodness of God being witnessed across our local Church. For 2024, that the annual diocesan gathering will be a Eucharistic Congress. The focus of this gathering will be on creating an opportunity for the spiritual renewal of the people and parishes of the Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth…and beyond.

Archbishop Dunn would be delighted for you to join him from October 17-20 for our first Eucharistic Congress in the Archdioceses of Halifax-Yarmouth!

Are you coming to the Eucharistic Congress?

Last week we mentioned the guest speakers for the Eucharistic Congress are native Haligonian current Archbishop of Edmonton, Most Rev. Richard Smith and the Archbishop of Gatineau, Most Rev. Paul-André Druocher.

We are also excited to welcome Blessed Carlo Acutis to the Congress as well!   Some may know the Archdiocese is in the midst of making plans to bring the relics of Blessed Carlo Acutis to Canada in the fall.  The relics will play a part of the Youth Night of the Congress on October 17 as well as be available for veneration at different times throughout the Congress.

The Youth Night on Thursday, October 17, will be an evening aimed at young people ages 16-35 years old. The event will be an opportunity to reflect on and encounter Christ in the Eucharist. The night will include moments of music, prayer, reflection, an age appropriate talk on the Eucharist, and adoration, fellowship, and of course time with Blessed Carlo.  If you are a young person or know one – mark your calendar for October 17!

Blessed Carlo Acutis, a Catholic Italian teenager who died in 2006, was beatified October 10th in Assisi, Italy. Acutis, was a gamer and computer programmer loved soccer and the Eucharist. Pope Francis referred to Carlo as a model of holiness in a digital age. Carlo’s life is an example of how young people can use and enjoy technology, including the internet and social media appropriately while growing in their relationship with Christ.

Learn more about Blessed Carlo directly from his mother, Antonia Salzano, by clicking here

Congress Registration

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Congress Parish Resources

Eucharistic Congress 2024

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Congress Contact

Aurea Sadi 
Project Coordinator
and Communications
(902) 429-9800 ext. 310
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Sarah Morrison
Pastoral Services & Responsible Ministry Assistant (PSRA)
(902) 429-9800 ext. 403
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