Archbishop Emeritus Mancini's Letters to the Faithful

Archbishop Mancini has called us to respond to the Canadian Federal Government’s Consultation on medically assisted death. The Archdiocesan Ministry of Care and Companionship Committee strongly supports this call and offers some reflections on this crucial issue.

January 1, 2020
To the Faithful of the Archdiocese
Dear Friends,
Today, we inaugurate a major change in the organization of our Archdiocese with the decreed new parishes; their new names and pastoral leaders. We have been preparing for this transformation for months and even years, as the many facets of this change have been discussed, considered and are now being implemented, as best we can. There will be a necessary period of adjustments for all of us, and the year 2020 will be greatly marked by our collective effort to live through the major shifts involved in New Parishes: Stronger Together. I thank all parishioners who have patiently expended themselves on this reorganization and I count on your continued support. The most important thing we can do going forward, is combine our efforts with the grace of God, as we move forward into a new era for our Archdiocese.

June 16, 2019
Feast of the Holy Trinity
To the Catholic Faithful of the Eastern Shore,
The mission of the church has always been to propose Jesus Christ, to proclaim his gospel and to make disciples ready to follow Christ as the way, the truth and the life.
In recent times, it has become clear that our present efforts to accomplish this mission, both here on the Eastern Shore and across the archdiocese, are struggling to realize this missionary call.

February 7, 2019
To the Faithful of the Archdiocese
Dear Friends,
A short time ago, I invited all our faithful to enter into a year of atonement. This appeal was for all of us to pray for unity and the grace of healing in our Church at this time as we struggle to make sense of the hurts and divisions which we are experiencing.