Following the publication of the CCCB Pastoral Letter to Young People on October 12, 2022, the Permanent a User's Guide was developed in 2024 to help facilitate reflection on the letter.
Inspired by Pope Francis’ Post-Synodal Exhortation to Young People, Christus vivit, the CCCB’s Pastoral Letter to Young People invites young Catholics in Canada to live their faith in an extraordinary way, encouraging them to strive toward holiness, and assuring them of the steadfast support and accompaniment of their Bishops along their individual journeys of faith.
Individuals, groups, and parishes are invited to use this resource to help young people grow deeper in the faith.
The new User Guide and the Pastoral Letter itself are available in English and French on the CCCB website.
in English: Pastoral Letter to Young People - Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (cccb.ca)
in French: Lettre pastorale aux jeunes - Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (cecc.ca)