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UNITE with your Faith Family this October!

As Catholics we are connected to one another by our baptism and our reception of the Eucharist.  Each time we partake in the Eucharist we are saying yes to a relationship God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  It is also saying yes to being a part of the family of all believers. How can we do that more fully in a world where there are many things that divide us?  Learning more deeply what the Eucharist does for us, how it can help heal us and our world, we can strengthen the unity of our Church.

Find out more by joining with your faith family at our first ever Eucharistic Congress!

Come to the Eucharistic Congress!

When: October 17-20, 2024
Where: Saint Agnes Church, Mumford Rd. Halifax (main venue)
Registration: Cost: $25.00

For more detailed information and to register visit

Registration deadline: October 9, 2024