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Thank you for Visiting Blessed Carlo!

This past weekend, a relic of Blessed Carlo Acutis, finished his Canadian visit in Ontario and is back home in Assisi. With him went the hundreds of prayer intentions that were written by people who had a chance to spend some time with Blessed Carlo.  The intentions were offered at a Mass celebrated yesterday in a chapel at Church of Santa Maria Maggiore. This is church where Blessed Carlo is buried. Fr. Patrick Salah from the Archdiocese accompanied Blessed Carlo home to Assisi and concelebrated at the Mass. 

Blessed Carlo started his tour as part of our Eucharistic Congress then made his way to the Diocese of Antigonish, the Archdiocese of Saint John’s, the Archdiocese of Toronto, and ended in the Archdiocese of Ottawa.

And in case you missed it, Msgr. Anthony Figueiredo, the priest who accompanies the relic of Blessed Carlo, presented Archbishop Dunn and the Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth with our own relic of Blessed Carlo; a piece of his hair contained in a small round reliquiry.   The relic will be placed in the museum at the Saint Mary’s Cathedral Basilica and will be a special reminder of how the soon-to-be saint has inspired and blessed the people of our Archdiocese. Blessed Carlo Acutis pray for us!

Thank you to everyone who donated to assist with the costs of Blessed Carlo’s travel to and from Halifax.  Your generosity was most appreciated!

To learn more about Blessed Carlo Acutis visit: