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Thank you for Attending the Congress!

“It was an amazing weekend!”

These words were repeated by many of the 700 people, including 15 bishops and 50 clergy, that gathered for our first Eucharistic Congress. Together they re-awakened in heart and mind the gift and power of the Eucharist through inspiring liturgy and insightful keynote talks. People listened and reflected on the ways the Eucharist can heal our world: it restores our relationship with God, it unites us as the Body of Christ, it inspires us to worship, it calls us to serve the poor and marginalized, and it equips us for the mission Christ entrusted to us. 

A highlight during the Congress was our 4 km Eucharist Procession where approximately 1000 people walked with Jesus through the streets of Halifax from Saint Agnes Church to Saint Mary’s Cathedral Basilica. It was a witness like no other that had a profound impact on not only the people who took part but also our city.

Archbishop Dunn was moved by everyone’s excitement and engagement in the Eucharistic Congress and is so very grateful for the many ways the people and parishes of the Archdiocese contributed to making the Congress a resounding success – thanks be to God! We know much fruit will come from this great gathering.

If you have stories, memories, photos you want to share about your experience of the Eucharistic Congress we would love to hear/see them!  You can forward them to Aurea Sadi at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Thank you all for the many ways you say yes to God and witness His goodness in the Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth.

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