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Pre-Congress Youth Night: October 17

Are you a young person? Do you know a young person?  One aspect of the upcoming Eucharitic Congress we want to highlight is the pre-Congress event the Youth Night.  This night is aimed specifically at youth and young adults from ages 14-35.  The evening will include prayer, music, a talk on the Eucharist by Fr. Tim Divine and adoration.  Oh and yes, there will be food!  As an added bonus we welcome  for the first time to Canada the relic of Blessed Carlo Acutis, often dubbed the Millennial saint.   

The Youth Night event is free but to help our team plan well, please REGISTER . For more info on the Congress visit

What: Pre-Eucharistic Congress Youth Night
When: Thursday, October 17 from 6:00 to 9:00pm
Where: Saint Agnes Church, 6903 Mumford Rd, Halifax
Who: Youth and Young People ages 14 to 35 years old