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Night Before the Congress: Youth Night

If you are between 14 to 35 you can still take part in our sold out Eucharistic Congress by checking out the Youth Night on Thursday, October 17, 2024.  This night will begin with a pizza social followed by time in prayer, music, and learning about the Eucharistic.  Fr. Tim Devine, CC will offer a short talk to deepen our understanding of the gifts of the Eucharist.   Youth Night attendees will also get the chance to veneration the relic of Blessed Carlo Acutis.  He is the first soon-to-be-saint born in new millennium.

Carlo Acutis was born 1991 and died in 2006. He was diagnosed with leukemia as a teenager. From a young age, Carlo had a special love for God, even though his parents weren’t especially devout. After he made his first Communion, he went to Mass as often as possible at the parish across from his elementary school. Carlo’s love for the Eucharist inspired a deep conversion for his mother and several other people in his life.

This is Blessed Carlo’s first visit to Canada and we are excited to welcome him as part of our Youth Night and the Eucharistic Congress.

The Youth Night is free but we ask you to please register to attend.  It will help us know how much pizza to order!!

To recap…

What: Pre-Congress Youth Night

For: Youth and Young Adults ages 14 to 35

Where: Saint Agnes Church

When: 6:00pm to 9:30pm

Why: To encounter Christ… who wants to encounter you!

Register now!