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Mark your Calendars for our Eucharistic Congress!

As you may have heard by now we’re hosting a Eucharistic Congress from October 17 to October 20 in Halifax.  We hope you’ll join us! 

Archbishop Dunn is delighted to be able to gather this fall with our diocesan family to strengthen and renew our understanding of the gift of the Eucharist.  Through times of worship, keynote talks, and small group conversations we will break open our Congress theme: Communion to Heal the World. How does the Eucharist heal the world?  The Eucharist restores, unites, inspires, serves, and equips.

As we continue to work our all the details we are excited to unveil our Congress logo (pdf)!

You can see that our logo is circular with a Host and Cup at its centre. After all, as Catholics the Eucharist/Christ is central to our lives.

The five ways that that the Eucharist heals surround the central image in five sections with images tosymbolize how it heals: 

    • RESTORE: It restores our Eucharistic 4 full colour 2relationship with God. Symbolized by a Cross reminding us of Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection that reconciled us with the Father.
    • UNITE: It strengthens the unity of the Church. Symbolized by hands coming together to unite ourselves in Christ’s love and shared mission.
    • INSPIRE: It calls us to worship. Symbolized by the bible/scripture recalling for us the Liturgy of the Word that leads us to the Table.
    • SERVE: It commits us to serve the poor and marginalized. Symbolized by a hand holding a heart reminding us to witness Christ’s love in our service to others.
    • EQUIP: It empowers us for mission. Symbolized by the dove; the Holy Spirit who pours out the gifts needed to carry out the mission Christ entrusted to us.

As we prepare for the Feast of Corpus Christi this Sunday June 2 we thought that would be a great time to go live with our Eucharistic Congress webpage and open up registration.  So keep an eye out!

Please note: the Eucharistic Congress will take the place of the annual Assembly of the People of God. The Congress will be our diocesan gathering for 2024. There will be no Assembly this year.