Our world is made up of people and experiences that can be hurtful and broken. What if there was a way to heal these wounds? What if there was a way to heal the world? There is. Healing can be found in the Eucharist. As Catholics we believe that Christ is truly present when we take part in Communion. Each time we receive and say “Amen”, we say yes to the ways Jesus can heal our world through us. Jesus restores our relationship with God. Jesus calls us to be united in one community in this Church. Jesus whose life and work and example, inspire our worship. Jesus who served the most vulnerable and calls his followers to do the same. Jesus who sends his Spirit to equip us even now to bring his mission to share the transforming love of God with the world.
This Jesus who is present in the Eucharist. Each time we as Catholics receive the Eucharist at Mass we receive the ability and the opportunity to heal the world - with Jesus. Do we always recognize this power?
The Eucharist can heal the world. Find out how by joining us at our Eucharistic Congress from October 17 to 20. To register and find out more visit www.halifaxyarmouth.org/congress2024