As you make plans to gather with family and friends during this holiday season, let us be mindful of the many people who do not have a home in which to gather. Our diocesan Emergency Shelters Project is a year old. In that year, the need for sustainable and affordable housing has not lessened but grown. Our shelters initiative has made a big impact on our community. And we want to continue to make a difference. We can only do that with your help. Consider giving to the Emergency Shelters Project. You can donate in the following ways:
- Donate online using a credit card. Visit www.halifaxyarmouth.org/shelters
- Make a cheque to: Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth. Please note in the memo line: “Emergency Shelters Project” and mail it to: Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth
1559 Brunswick St, Suite 101
Halifax, NS B3J 2G1
Attn: Business Office
- Make a donation on behalf of a friend, a family member, or an organization. Add a note to your donation acknowledging what name the donation is being given under and we will send a card to that person thanking them for their gift.
To find out more about the Emergency Shelters Project go to www.halifaxyarmouth.org/shelters
Thank you!
Our Emergency Shelters exists due to generous contributions made by:
- Well Engineered
- The Halifax Assistance Fund
- The Windsor Foundation
- Pastors, Parish Staff, and countless volunteers
- …and many big-hearted donors
Emergency Shelters Contact
Lindsay Misiner
Emergency Shelter Coordinator
(902) 429-9800 ext 327
How can I help?
You can donate to the cause!
- Donate Now by Clicking here or on the right hand side of this page.
- Call the Business Office at (902) 429-9800 ext 309
- Send a cheque to: Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth.
Please note in the memo line:
“Emergency Shelters Project” and
mail it to:
Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth
1559 Brunswick St, Suite 101
Halifax, NS B3J 2G1
Attn: Business Office
Is your parish hosting a shelter or shelters? Check to see how you might be able to help them support the shelter occupant(s).