As a result of the generosity of many groups and individuals we have been able to run our Emergency Shelters Project for the past 18 months. Many lessons have been learned but also many people have been helped. Much of that is due in large part to the collaboration and cooperation of our pastors and parishes. Thank you!
Read more about the what’s been happening with the Emergency Shelter in our May update (pdf). Most recently we were awarded a grant that will allow us to create and place five new shelters. If your parish would like to be a part of this program, or add to the shelter you already have, please reach out to our Emergency Shelters Coordinator, Lindsay Misiner at
As we know the housing crisis in our province continues to grow and so we will continue to find ways to help the immediate situation while also discerning how we might be able to use what resources we have to assist with a longer term solution.
To read the May update click here (pdf) or go to our Emergency Shelters Project page.
Thank you!
Our Emergency Shelters exists due to generous contributions made by:
- Well Engineered
- The Halifax Assistance Fund
- The Windsor Foundation
- Pastors, Parish Staff, and countless volunteers
- …and many big-hearted donors
Emergency Shelters Contact
Lindsay Misiner
Emergency Shelter Coordinator
(902) 429-9800 ext 327
How can I help?
You can donate to the cause!
- Donate Now by Clicking here or on the right hand side of this page.
- Call the Business Office at (902) 429-9800 ext 309
- Send a cheque to: Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth.
Please note in the memo line:
“Emergency Shelters Project” and
mail it to:
Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth
1559 Brunswick St, Suite 101
Halifax, NS B3J 2G1
Attn: Business Office
Is your parish hosting a shelter or shelters? Check to see how you might be able to help them support the shelter occupant(s).