Our Cemeteries
The Catholic cemetery is a sacred place; it is holy ground where our faithful departed await the resurrection to eternal life. This is why the grounds of the cemetery are cared for and made as attractive as possible, maintained in this way as a sign of respect for the dead who rest in peace. The special respect we accord to the faithful departed and the places where they rest remind us of our hope of joyfully greeting them again, when we will be with them and the Lord forever.
In the Halifax area, the Catholic Cemeteries of Halifax is responsible for three cemeteries: Gate of Heaven, Holy Cross, and Mount Olivet.
- Gate of Heaven Cemetery - 114 Sackville Dr., Lower Sackville.
Located in Lower Sackville, the Gate of Heaven Cemetery opened in 1938 and comprises 31 rolling acres of land for traditional and cremation burials. - Holy Cross Cemetery - 1259 South Park St., Halifax
Holy Cross Cemetery is a registered historic site. Our Lady of Sorrows chapel was built in one day in August of 1843, shortly after the cemetery opened. Holy Cross is the final resting place of many notable families, many of Irish descent. - Mount Olivet Cemetery - 7076 Mumford Rd., Halifax
Since 1896, the peaceful grounds of Mount Olivet Roman Catholic Cemetery in the west end of Halifax have offered a quiet and gentle final resting place. Deceased in the cemetery include people from the Titanic Disaster, the Halifax Explosion, and the World Wars.
How We Can Help
Burial Information
To meet today’s needs; niches for the committal of cremated remains and a cremation garden are available at Mount Olivet. A cremation garden is available at Holy Cross Cemetery and a columbarium for cremation as well as traditional burials are available at Gate of Heaven. Burials are available all year round
Pre-need planning is the arrangement of cemetery services prior to need. Many individuals have found that planning in advance of death gives them peace of mind and relieves their family members of the emotional burden of making these arrangements. If you would like to make a plan please contact Christine Spears 902-429-9800 ext. 308. Visit the Catholic Cemeteries of Halifax at the Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth, Pastoral Services, Catholic Cemeteries of Halifax website at www.halifaxyarmouth.org.
Parish Cemeteries Operational Policies
Click here (pdf) for the Parish Cemeteries Operational Policies (updated 2024)
Catholic Cemeteries of Halifax Contact
Christine Spears
Cemetery Ministry Coordinator
Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth
(902) 429-9800 Ext. 308
Bradley VanDam
Manager, Catholic Cemeteries
Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth
(902) 429-9800 Ext. 311

Gate of Heaven Cemetery
Located in Lower Sackville opening in 1938, the cemetery is 31 rolling acres of land for traditional and cremation burials for our beloved departed.

Holy Cross Cemetery
Located in Halifax opening in 1843, houses the chapel built in one day and is the resting place of many historical and Irish families.

Mount Olivet Cemetery
Located in Halifax opening in 1896. Those buried in the cemetery include people from the Titanic, the Halifax Explosion, and both the World Wars.
Archdiocesan Funeral Guidelines
Archbishop Mancini in collaboration with the clergy, religious and lay faithful of our Church of Halifax-Yarmouth prepared the document on Catholic funerals in the Archdiocese of Halifax Yarmouth. The document is titled "Catholic Funerals: Theological and Pastoral Considerations".
The document touches on the frequent experience in our faith communities that funerals draw people with diverse connections to the Catholic faith or faith in general. Liturgical options, specifically the separation of the Funeral Rite (Order of Christian Funerals) and the celebration of the Eucharist, can facilitate a fuller involvement of mourners at Catholic funerals. As well new opportunities are presented to evangelize and catechized a Christian understanding of life, death and resurrection. For the faithful the opportunity to celebrate Eucharist at a memorial Mass within a short time of the funeral liturgy can be much more meaningful experience of communion.
This guidelines addresses issues like eulogies, use of Christian symbols at funerals, cremation, and the celebration of the funeral rite at funeral parlors as well as other points to assist parish personnel in the ministry to those who are grieving.
download: English (pdf) French (pdf)