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Advent and Christmas Resources from

All parishioners in the diocese now have access to Formed is a website which brings beautiful and faithful Catholic content to parishes, families, and individuals around the world in the form of videos, study programs, kids shows, and more. To login, simply visit and create and account by typing in your postal, or by searching your parish by it’s name and city.

FORMED has plenty of content specific to help enrich your experience of Advent and Christmas. You can view it all here at their Advent page:

This week we recommend for kids “O Holy Night: What Christmas is About” with Brother Francis. You can view it by Clicking Here or the image below.

Be My Disciples Info

Implementing Be My Disciples in Your Parish

How to Implement Be My Disciples in Your Parish Setting - PDF

which includes:

  1. Family groups working together with children at various ages
  2. Classroom setting
  3. One week at home, one week in class
  4. Combined levels, 1-3, 4, 5-6 for example
  5. Parent sessions

Priority- Catechesis

Catechesis family Bible together PD 356x200

In addition to a program of evangelization, each Parish must have a process of ongoing formation in faith for children and adults. Growth in our closeness to the Lord and friendship with Him comes not only from study but also from encounter. All of our methods should be holistic in their approach to formation: human, spiritual, intellectual, and pastoral. On this page throughout the year, we will post material and resources to help all of us work towards strengthening these priorities in our parish communities.