On May 8, 2021 the Atlantic School of Theology (AST) will hold convocation at 11:00am. As part of this event they will honour Archbishop Emeritus Anthony Mancini and make him an Associate of AST.
This designation is awarded to members of the community who have shown outstanding service and support to AST and its community. For the twelve years that Archbishop Mancini served as our bishop, he gave much of his time, talent, and treasure to our local theology school.
The convocation this year will be an online event that can be viewed by the friends and family of AST graduates, students, and staff. A link will be on the AST website (www.astheology.ns.ca) closer to the event.
Archbishop's Office
Cathy Walsh
Executive Assistant to the Archbishop
O: (902) 429-9800 ext. 405
F: (902) 425-0997
1559 Brunswick St., Suite 101
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3J 2G1