Sunday School is a familiar to term to many of the faithful. It is in this setting that we have traditionally done, catechesis, that is, the passing on of the faith. This task is essential to the growth of our Church universally and locally. For Archbishop Dunn this is a priority - a pastoral priorities. In his January letter to the faithful he said:
“In addition to a program of evangelization, each Parish must have a process of ongoing formation in faith for children and adults. Growth in our closeness to the Lord and friendship with Him comes not only from study but also from encounter. All of our methods should be holistic in their approach to formation: human, spiritual, intellectual, and pastoral. On this page throughout the year, we will post material and resources to help all of us work towards strengthening these priorities in our parish communities.”
In a recent presentation to clergy he reiterated the importance of the task of catechesis and also made clear that it is not just about teaching and educating the faithful but it is also about learning to walk with Jesus and become is his disciple throughout our whole lives. Let us continue to encourage one another, the young and the young at heart to constantly learn more about our God, share that Good News, and make disciples.
To read the full text of Archbishop Dunn’s January pastoral letter click here.
Archbishop's Office
Archbishop Brian J. Dunn
Archbishop of Halifax-Yarmouth
Cathy Walsh
Executive Assistant to the Archbishop
O: (902) 429-9800 ext. 405
F: (902) 425-0997
1559 Brunswick St., Suite 101
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3J 2G1