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Archbishop Dunn’s Share Lent Message (Eng/Fr) – February 2024

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February 8, 2024

My dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

As we prepare for another season of Lent, I write this letter to support the Share Lent campaign launched by Development and Peace-Caritas Canada. The season of Lent is a time for reflection on our lives, and the church calls us to love more, to pray more and to show solidarity to the most vulnerable in our world.

Create Hope: Reaping our Rights’ is the theme for Share Lent 2024.  Recently, The United Nations marked the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. As a result, Development and Peace focuses attention on the rights of impoverished communities, especially peasant farmers in the Global South. As the international humanitarian and solidarity organization of the Canadian Catholic Church, Development and Peace – Caritas Canada works for dignity, solidarity, justice, and peace, ecology, and women’s empowerment around the world. 

I request your support for Development and Peace’s Share Lent campaign. Pope Francis reminds us in Laudate Deum that “Everything is connected” and “No one is saved alone” [19]. This year’s Share Lent campaign invites us to show solidarity with peasant farmers across the world who are struggling to defend their God-given rights and dignity.

I invite churches, pastors, pastoral councils, lay groups, and catechists to celebrate, participate and bring this Share Lent campaign to life in their communities. On March 17, being Solidarity Sunday, churches across the Archdiocese are asked to take up a collection in support of Development and Peace’s Share Lent campaign. Contributions can also be made online at Make a donation, by mailing a cheque, or by calling 1-888-234-8533. Lenten liturgical and campaign resources can be found at Share Lent Campaign Also, members of the Archdiocesan council and parish reps of Development and Peace will be meeting parish priests and visiting parishes during Lent. I encourage you to welcome and support them, and to pray for a successful Share Lent campaign.

If you have any questions about the Share Lent campaign or the work of Development and Peace in general, please contact your Development and Peace parish representative or regional animator, Adah Ogbe This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Sincerely in Christ,

†Brian Joseph Dunn
Archbishop of Halifax-Yarmouth

Share Lent Letter (pdf)

Archbishop's Office

Archbishop Brian J. Dunn
Archbishop of Halifax-Yarmouth
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Cathy Walsh
Executive Assistant to the Archbishop
O: (902) 429-9800 ext. 405
F: (902) 425-0997
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Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3J 2G1