June 16, 2019
Feast of the Holy Trinity
To the Catholic Faithful of the Eastern Shore,
The mission of the church has always been to propose Jesus Christ, to proclaim his gospel and to make disciples ready to follow Christ as the way, the truth and the life.
In recent times, it has become clear that our present efforts to accomplish this mission, both here on the Eastern Shore and across the archdiocese, are struggling to realize this missionary call.
In this region alone, mass attendance declined by 45% between 2001 and 2016, and continues to do so. Many, who remain faithful, are growing older. Young families and children are disinterested in the Church; have little or no knowledge of the Christian faith and attempts to reach them have not succeeded. This demographic shift and cultural disconnect has resulted in fewer active parishioners, directly impacting the ability to support and maintain what we have inherited from the past. What human and financial resources remain must now be directed and invested in securing a better future.
The eight churches in this region spend over 50% of their funds maintaining buildings and require an estimated $660,000 for various repairs. These eight locations can seat over 1600 people, yet total attendance in the region is less than 600 each weekend. Sustaining facilities built for a different time leaves little energy left over to reach a new generation for the Lord.
Financially, all the churches of this region operate in deficits or near break-even positions trying to keep the doors open. This is not a sign of significant health and vitality but an indication of basic survival, at best. The time has come to get beyond this survival mode, and move into a more missionary mode.
On January 1, 2019 I indicated the major restructuring of our Archdiocese. In this region, the communities connected to the eight churches of the area, I announced, would form one new parish. As a result of all the above mentioned circumstances, and in the interests of giving the new parish for the Eastern Shore the best possible opportunity to grow and thrive I have determined, after a number of public meetings, consultation with the local clergy and the proposal of the local transition team, as well as the support of the full Council of Priests, that there will be one new parish for the area; it will be entrusted to two priests and a leadership team, and three worship sites will be retained:
- St. Genevieve Church, Hall, and Rectory in East Chezzetcook, NS
- St. Denis Church and Hall in East Ship Harbour, NS
- St. Peter Church and Rectory in Sheet Harbour, NS
Sadly, this also means the closure of the following locations:
- St. Anselm, West Chezzetcook, and its mission of Saint Anne, Lake Echo
- The mission churches of St. Philip Neri, Musquodobit Harbour, St. Michael, Quoddy, and St. Martin, Tangier.
The pastoral team will determine a revised mass schedule for the area, centered on the three new locations. This plan will go into effect on the July 28th and 29th weekend. The remaining locations will not be used for regular worship after this point. The future of those churches will be reviewed by the new leadership team and the incoming pastor and should be determined by or before the Feast of Christ the King on November 24th, 2019.
I have included additional information for you to review and next weekend (June 22 and 23) members of my staff will hold two further information sessions in the area to answer your questions. In the meantime, you may also send inquiries to
While recognizing the drastic changes and profound sense of loss this course of action causes to individuals and to various levels of the community, I believe these measures are necessary to position the new parish with the realistic human and financial resources to carry on with the needed missionary action for our times. Much is being entrusted to your good will and desire to support the vision and the mission of Evangelization entrusted to the new leadership team and the incoming pastor.
I wish to thank publicly Deacon Bernie Coffin for his work so far in these difficult times as well as all who have contributed to implementing the pastoral plan.
May God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - give us the necessary graces we need to persevere.
Sincerely in Christ,
†Anthony Mancini
Archbishop of Halifax-Yarmouth