There is ever-growing concern for how euthanasia, or medical assistance in dying (MAiD), is evolving across Canada. As Catholics how do we respond? Archbishop Dunn encourages the faithful to educate themselves on the issue and our Catholic teaching on the dignity of life. Last week Archbishop Dunn released a letter to the faithful that expressed his concern about MAiD and offers some resources. You can read the full letter here or pdf.
You may also recall the work of the Ministry of Care and Companionship. For several years this diocesan committee chaired by Sr. Nuala Kenny offered workshops and gathered important and helpful information on end of life issues. While this committee has disbnaded, their information and resources are still available and may be helpful for those wanting more information. Visit www.halifaxyarmouth.org/care or click on Ministry of Care and Companionship under the Pastoral Services tab.