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Congratulations Archbishop Smith!

Last week the Vatican announced that Pope Francis appointed Most Rev. Richard Smith presently the Archbishop of Edmonton, to become the Chief Shepherd of the Archdiocese of Vancouver.  Many here in the local Church of Halifax -Yarmouth are familiar with Archbishop Smith as he is from Halifax and began his ministry here.  Recently we welcomed him home in October 2024 as one of the speakers at our Eucharistic Congress.

Born on April 28, 1959, in Halifax, Archbishop Richard Smith was ordained to the priesthood for the Archdiocese of Halifax on May 23, 1987. He was appointed Bishop of Pembroke, Ontario, on April 27, 2002. On March 22, 2007 he was appointed Archbishop of Edmonton, Alberta.

Archbishop Smith holds a Bachelor of Commerce from St. Mary’s University in Halifax, a Master of Divinity from the Atlantic School of Theology (1985), a Licentiate in Theology (1993), and a Doctorate in Theology from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome (1998).  He served in a number of parishes, ministries, and diocesan committees in our diocese before he was appointed to the Diocese of Pembroke.

Archbishop Smith has also held numerous roles within the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB), most recently he participated in the Indigenous delegation that met with Pope Francis in Rome (April 2022) and was the General Coordinator of the Pope’s visit to Canada (July 2022).

Congratulations Archbishop Smith!

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Communications and Project Lead
(902) 429-9800 ext. 310
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(902) 429-9800 ext. 324
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