Have you ever considered becoming a deacon in the Church? This fall the Archdiocese will begin a discernment year for men who feel called to serve the Church as permanent deacons.
Archbishop Dunn has asked that this fall we begin a discernment year for men who feel called to serve the Church as permanent deacons.
Though all are servants by Baptism, the deacon is ordained as a sacramental sign of Christ the servant. In the name of Christ and the Church, the deacon makes evident the self-sacrificing love of the Lord. Deacons offer direct service to those in need, and also help church members to discover their participation in the ministry of Christ. Service is the trademark of the deacon wherever he goes.
Deacons share in the sacrament of Orders with bishops and priests. By ordination the deacon is brought into a new relationship with the Holy Spirit. Graced for ministry, the deacon is publicly acknowledged by the Church as one called by God to serve the community of believers and the evangelizing mission of the Church. He shares fraternity and sacramental ministry with the other deacons of the diocese, as well as with priests and bishops. The deacon commits himself to the responsibility of communicating God’s word and announcing the reign of Christ in and through the Church.
If you or someone you know might be interested in discerning this call you are encouraged to reach out to the Director of Deacons, Deacon Robert Doyle at
A Diaconal Come and See will be hosted on Saturday, October 1, 2022. Further details will be shared closer to the date.
Decrees of Our New Parishes
You can find a list of
Decrees of Our New Parishes
under the "Parishes" tab and click on "Our New Parishes"
or click here.
Archdiocesan Crest
Chancery Contact
Deacon Robert Doyle
(902) 429-9800 ext. 307
Archdiocesan Funeral Guidelines
Archbishop Mancini in collaboration with the clergy, religious and lay faithful of our Church of Halifax-Yarmouth prepared the document on Catholic funerals in the Archdiocese of Halifax Yarmouth. The document is titled "Catholic Funerals: Theological and Pastoral Considerations".
The document touches on the frequent experience in our faith communities that funerals draw people with diverse connections to the Catholic faith or faith in general. Liturgical options, specifically the separation of the Funeral Rite (Order of Christian Funerals) and the celebration of the Eucharist, can facilitate a fuller involvement of mourners at Catholic funerals. As well new opportunities are presented to evangelize and catechized a Christian understanding of life, death and resurrection. For the faithful the opportunity to celebrate Eucharist at a memorial Mass within a short time of the funeral liturgy can be much more meaningful experience of communion.
This guidelines addresses issues like eulogies, use of Christian symbols at funerals, cremation, and the celebration of the funeral rite at funeral parlors as well as other points to assist parish personnel in the ministry to those who are grieving.
download: English (pdf) French (pdf)