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Archdiocesan Collections

Thank you for contributing to our diocesan Formed in Faith Collection! Your donation will help, Archbishop Dunn, his staff, and other church leaders to develop and provide the training, programs, resources, and support for all of us to create healthy vibrant communities of faith. It is within and through these communities that we witness and grow Christ’s presence in our world today.

The generosity of donors across the Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth helps to ensure that the pastoral work needed to help the vulnerable, pass on the faith, and support missionary disciples is accomplished.  Thank you to all who have contributed to diocesan collections in the past. 

The last two shelters went up in Bedford this week. The construction and installation phase of our Crisis Emergency Shelter project took just over six weeks and we are grateful to the team at Well Engineered Inc. for putting in a lot of extra hours to make the phase of the project happen so quickly. Also, thanks to many generous donors we have fully funded the construction and installation costs for this project!