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Archdiocesan Collections

As we start a new year, a great big thank you goes out to all who have contributed to the Emergency Shelters Project. As a result of your great generosity we have just surpassed our fundraising goal. In total $336,945.50 has been raised. This means 20 shelters are fully paid for! The funds will allow us to provide for additional costs associated with the builds, support our twenty guests, and continue to find ways to counter the homelessness crisis.

How Do I Continue to Give

We  encourage you to continue to support your  parish and the Archdiocese during this difficult time. Parish financial obligations continue and your contributions are vital to help your parish find safe and meaningful ways to reach out to people in these challenging days.  Please contact your parish to learn about your options to give. You can also visit to make a donation to your local parish or the Archdiocese. We are very grateful for your continued support.