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Diocesan Collection: Formed in Faith

The generosity of donors across the Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth helps to ensure that the pastoral work needed to help the vulnerable, pass on the faith, and support missionary disciples is accomplished.  Thank you to all who have contributed to diocesan collections in the past. 

In 2023,  the first of three diocesan collections will happen at the end of February.  As in previous years this will be a direct mailout to donors across the Archdiocese.  The theme and focus of the collection: Formed in Faith.  Your donation to this collection will be used to support diocesan and parish initiatives that help us pass on the faith to all the baptized. Some of those ways include:

  • Forming adults in the faith through the EQUIP program - a three-year program that gives people the teachings and tools to become leaders in their parish community.  
  • Providing diocesan staff to support, coach, and guide parish leadership in their efforts to pass on the faith to the children, youth, and adults that they serve.  
  • Developing diocesan resources such as webinars, video messages, diocesan celebrations, to help the faithful understand more fully their identity as a disciples of Christ lived out in the local parish.

How can you give?

  • Return your Donor Card to the Archdiocese by mail or drop it in the collection basket at your parish.
  • Donate online: and click on Donate or
  • Send a donation by e-transfer to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  Please note “February 2023 Donation” in the memo box.
  • Consider a monthly pledge. This can be indicated on the Donor Card.

We invite you to prayerfully consider your gift. Thank you for your generosity!