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We follow the example of Jesus and Mary
as we care for the sick and comfort the dying.
As Catholics we are Christian disciples committed to follow the way of the Lord whose response to suffering was to provide care! As Christ healed the sick and broken-hearted with his acts of compassion, our present Christian response to suffering must be in keeping with Christ’s actions by transforming suffering with meaning. When there is no meaning to suffering, that is when it is only pain, and of course people become afraid, angry and depressed. But where there is meaning, because there is love and proper care, in a community of support, suffering can become sacrifice! Sacrifice, in our Christian perspective, is not just another word for ‘put up with’. It literally means, from its Latin root, to make something ‘sacred’. Archbishop Anthony Mancini June 5, 2016 Letter to the Faithful.
Death of St. Joseph

Stain Glass Window, St. Mary’s Cathedral Basilica, Halifax, NS

An evangelizing community knows that the Lord has taken the initiative, he has loved us first. It has an endless desire to show mercy, the fruit of its own experience of the power of the Father’s infinite mercy. Let us try a little harder to take the first step and to become involved. The Lord gets involved and he involves his own, as he kneels to wash their feet. An evangelizing community gets involved by word and deed in people’s daily lives; it bridges distances, it is willing to abase itself if necessary and it embraces human life, touching the suffering flesh of Christ in others. An evangelizing community is also supportive, standing by people at every step of the way, no matter how difficult or lengthy this may prove to be. Pope Francis 2013 Evangelii Gaudium, The Joy of the Gospel. #24.

Recent Activity

The Ministry of Care and Compassion successfully launched in the parishes in Clare.

15 women answered their baptismal call to serve on the Ministry for the five parishes, Sacré-Coeur Saulnierville, Stella Maris, Meteghan/Saint-Alphonse, St. Bernard, Notre-Dame du Mont Carmel Concession, and Sainte Marie Church Point.

Saturday April 1, 2017 the Ministers met with Sr. Nuala Kenny for about 2 hours, giving them the opportunity to share their God-given strengths to serve in this Ministry. This was followed by supper, a feast provided so that the Ministers could express gratitude to the Archbishop for putting into action the call to have people visit the lonely, the sick and the dying in the Archdiocese Halifax/Yarmouth.

Saturday evening Sr. Nuala presented a lecture titled “Care and Companionship for the sick and the suffering in a post-Christian world” giving exposure and meaning to the Ministry which was about to be launched in the region. Following the session the ministers served a snack to the participants in order to greet and meet the public in their new role of service.

Sunday morning Mass was celebrated by Archbishop Anthony Mancini and along with Sr Nuala Kenny the ministry was officially launched in the Clare parishes.

The Ministers received a special blessing from Archbishop Mancini acknowledging the gifts they received from God to serve and the the blessings of love, joy, peace and faithfulness they experience and share.

The gathering ended, but the fellowship and ministry of believers continues.

The Way of the Cross Today Booklet

The Way of the Cross web
Reflections on Suffering in Sickness and Dying
Download Booklet version (Pdf)

or  visit Salt & Light TV
for web version



Ministry of Care and Companionship Videos

Advanced Health Care Directive

CHAS Advance Health Care Directive web
from Saskatchewan
Visit their website for a copy



Pastoral Letters on Physician Assisted Dying

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* Pastoral Letter on Physician Assisted Dying (Eng/Fr)
By Archbishop Mancini - Link
(includes a download - FAQ on Physican Assisted Dying)

* A Pastoral Reflection on Medical Assistance in Dying
by the Atlantic Bishops

Catholic Funerals

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Theological and Pastoral Considerations

English (Pdf)
French (Pdf)


Samples of prayers for specific moments, as well as contact info for a great variety of resources.

Services & Outreach

Descriptions and contact information for the services that are available throughout the archdiocese.


Contact info for information and materials to meet the great many needs, interests and circumstances.