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Adult Faith Formation

The Atlantic School of Theology in downtown Halifax offers a variety of continuing education courses throughout the year.  A couple of upcoming courses include:

Parishes across the Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth are making disciples! In other words, they are helping people grow in their faith and finding ways to share it! Check out what’s happening at…

In 2023, what ways will you grow in your faith…and possibly invite others to do the same! There a variety of ways to learn more about your faith at your parish and at a diocesan level. Check out the event listings on the Archdiocese’s website to find out what’s programs, events, and happenings at places like the Barat Spirituality Centre or Atlantic Ignatian Spirituality Centre as well as our parishes.

All across the Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth parishes hosted evangelization programs that began in September or October. It was a monumental task to plan these efforts but all to invite people to come and see what these evangelization programs were about. Yet it happened, and it happened well!  Hundreds of people were invited to discover Jesus for the first time…or perhaps re-discover him.  Our efforts don’t end here! This is just a first step in a life long journey of becoming missionary disciples.  Parishes will continue to provide first step evangelization programs but also other ways – bible studies, faith sharing, discipleship groups, to name a few – for people to continue to build a relationship with Jesus.